Thursday, February 28, 2013



1. What do you sell and how did you get started?

Hi, my name is Dossie Garvey and I'm from Atlanta. I was born in NJ with a crayon in my mouth (I think it was green) and wanted to be an artist just like my dad. I attended art school, worked as a commercial artist and then came a marriage, 3 children and 5 grandchildren. The only time I held a brush for 20 years was to wack somebody's behind (just kidding, of course). Now that I'm a big girl (code word for old bat) I've decided to do what I was always meant to do, besides eating way too many m&ms which is what I'm doing now.

 2. Who or what is your inspiration?
I absolutely love animals and when I paint (in my kitchen which can be confusing, red paint looks alot like spaghetti sauce) I find myself lost in my own little world. Animals are adorable, frustrating, messy, loyal, innocent, loving and....wait a minute...they sound just like my grandkids. Wow, maybe that's why I love them so much!

3. What is your most favorite item in your Etsy shop?
As far as my favorite item in the shop it's probably my horse ornament. My sister was always a rider and she now owns a horse farm. I myself am terrified of the beasts (beautiful as they are) so the closest I will ever get is holding a horse's head in my hand (visions of the godfather just flashed before my eyes.)

Custom Pet Horse Portrait Ornaments Hand Painted Horse Art 

4.Anything else that you want to share?
Not being the richest broad in town I use my work to give back to the animal community through rescue organization discounts and charitable donations.

I love my business and will continue to paint until I drop. Oh, and thanks for listening!

Pet Portrait Whippet Greyhound Window Hand Painted Dog Art 
Pet Portraits 

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