Thursday, February 28, 2013



1. What do you sell and how did you get started?

Hi, my name is Dossie Garvey and I'm from Atlanta. I was born in NJ with a crayon in my mouth (I think it was green) and wanted to be an artist just like my dad. I attended art school, worked as a commercial artist and then came a marriage, 3 children and 5 grandchildren. The only time I held a brush for 20 years was to wack somebody's behind (just kidding, of course). Now that I'm a big girl (code word for old bat) I've decided to do what I was always meant to do, besides eating way too many m&ms which is what I'm doing now.

 2. Who or what is your inspiration?
I absolutely love animals and when I paint (in my kitchen which can be confusing, red paint looks alot like spaghetti sauce) I find myself lost in my own little world. Animals are adorable, frustrating, messy, loyal, innocent, loving and....wait a minute...they sound just like my grandkids. Wow, maybe that's why I love them so much!

3. What is your most favorite item in your Etsy shop?
As far as my favorite item in the shop it's probably my horse ornament. My sister was always a rider and she now owns a horse farm. I myself am terrified of the beasts (beautiful as they are) so the closest I will ever get is holding a horse's head in my hand (visions of the godfather just flashed before my eyes.)

Custom Pet Horse Portrait Ornaments Hand Painted Horse Art 

4.Anything else that you want to share?
Not being the richest broad in town I use my work to give back to the animal community through rescue organization discounts and charitable donations.

I love my business and will continue to paint until I drop. Oh, and thanks for listening!

Pet Portrait Whippet Greyhound Window Hand Painted Dog Art 
Pet Portraits 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Benton Park Prints

Meet Dan, shop owner of Benton Park Prints. This was such a fun shop to browse through. See what he had to say.

1. What do you sell and how did you get started?
I enjoy selling prints about bacon, beer, animals, and other fun things. For the last 6-7 years I have been a freelance graphic designer and web designer. At the end of 2011 most of my work consisted of very corporate boring designs. Earlier in my career I had a lot of variety in the projects I took on. I needed some of that variety back for my own well being. That was the start of Benton Park Prints. It was started as an outlet for the more goofy side of things that I like to design.

2. Who or what is your inspiration?
My inspiration really comes from things people like. Almost everyone loves beer, bacon, music and animals. That is the majority of my shop. Prior to working for myself I was a designer for a t-shirt shop. I think of lot of my mindset when making a print comes from being a t-shirt designer. Someone needs to get a chuckle or understand the print in first few seconds... or else the design isn't effective.

3. What is your favorite part of your creating process?
My favorite part of the creative process comes from the first sale. That means that someone, somewhere in the world, is going to hang something I "thought up" on their wall for many years. I know those people will be asked many times where they got the print... there answer will probably be "some guy on Etsy, in St. Louis, Missouri". I enjoy being that person. It gives me joy to know that so many people have something I created hanging in their house or apartment.

4. Do you have any special routines?
Not really a set routine. I normally design later in the afternoon or first thing in the morning. I keep a giant list of print ideas that I keep in my iPhone that I can go to and start creating. I normally get ideas while I'm driving and make the prints later. Many times inspiration on a print strikes when I am working on another print. I do like doing my shipping in the morning, but many many many times I get to the post office right at closing time to ship orders that came in that day.
Bacon is Duct Tape for the Kitchen - Kitchen Print - Bacon Print - 8x10
5. What is your most favorite item in your Etsy shop?
My favorite item is probably my "Bacon is Duct Tape for the Kitchen" prints. That idea hit me while I was driving in a car about a month after I opened my shop
Bacon and Beer Make Your Belly Cheer, Bacon Print, Bacon Art, Kitchen Print, Kitchen Sign, Kitchen Art, Beer Sign, Custom Color - 11x14
6. Do you have any social media links?
I do. You can find my shop on facebook at and on twitter @bentonparkprint . I regularly post new prints on each and offer coupon codes on each.

7. Anything else you want to share?
I am just hoping for another fun year on Etsy and hoping to continue to spread joy in my artwork.

8. Are there any coupon codes or promotions you have going on?
I do. People can use "MUSTACHE" for 10% their order in my shop.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Contempo Artisan Boutique

Contempo Artisan Boutique is now open! They specialize in wire working techniques. Mixing wire with semi-precious stones and freshwater pearls.

1. What do you sell and how did you get started?
 My medium is jewelry. I started after the birth of my son 14 years ago. I decided to treat myself to a handmade necklace. When it arrived, I thought - I can make this! And the rest is history.

 2. Who or what is your inspiration?
Contempo Jewelry features nature inspired designs reflective of the lush landscape and colorful foliage of Central Pennsylvania. I specialize in wire working techniques incorporating precious metals, semi-precious stones and freshwater pearls into my designs.                                        
Swirl Copper Earrings // Soldered Hoops
           Swirl Copper Earrings

Square Stud Earrings // Sterling Wire Wrapped Smoky Quartz Posts

  3. What is your favorite part of your creating process?
I find manipulating wire to be extremely relaxing. The material can be very forgiving, while creatively allowing endless possibilities.

 4. What is your most favorite item in your Etsy shop?
My favorite items change weekly. I never get too attached to any of my pieces. I know each piece belongs to someone, but they haven't found it yet.

Four Diamonds Necklace // Thon Fundraising Jewelry // Sterling Silver // Blue Glass Beads
5. Do you have any social media links?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Romantically Red Treasury

'Romantically Red' by ashleyrodgers3

Apparently red is one of the hottest wedding colors of 2013. Here are some fantastic items in support of the big day.

Red wedding hair accessories...

Wedding Sign Bride and Groom...

Damask Wedding, Black and Re...

Stunning red wedding pumps

Red Wedding Garland - Valent...

Bridal bouquet red roses, we...

Personalized wedding gift, r...

Personalized Cufflinks Red W...

Custom Black, White, and Red...

Red wedding gown,Bridesmaid ...

Personalized Wedding Favor M...

Roses are Red.Wedding Dress ...

Red Bridal Garters, red rose...

Red Satin Wedding Shoes with...

Victorian Wedding Banner Ga...

Rustic Bright Red and Ivory ...

Treasury tool supported by the dog house

Snoozy Art

This is Amanda of Snoozy Art.

1. What do you sell and how did you get started?
I currently sell original acrylic paintings, soon going to expand to key chains and eventually greeting cards. I got started by first building my "inventory" of paintings. I sometimes would record myself while I painted and the uploaded them onto youtube. I started up a website, took forever to figure the "look" of it. I made a facebook ad, showing all to my friends and family, then when I was looking up for the best option for an artist to sell their work, Etsy became perfect for me.

Rise'n'Shine- Original Acrylic Painting, Yellow and Dark Red Flower, Sunflower (Painting No. N021)

 2. Who or what is your inspiration?
I love to create art whatever the medium, I just love to create a piece of work that I can share to everyone. Hearing about artists now'a'days you think of the "starving artist" which always worried me, I really got started with opening my shop after being inspirated from my college professor with him telling me how great my artwork is and that he really urged me to paint since the traditional "artist" are dying out. So then I decided to give it a try and when I try anything I give it my all.

 3. What is your favorite part of your creating process?
 My favorite part is when I'm actually sitting down in front of a canvas and letting the creative juices start to flow! This isn't a job for me this is where all my passion is and why I chose to continue with painting

 4. Do you have any special routines?
I do have a very special routine. A lot more goes into painting than anyone would think! First I buy/ make the canvases, add them to my canvas check off list after numbering them. There I check if its a finished painting or not, write it on this dry erase marker board for my husband to then go ahead and scan the image. patch it into photoshop. I then sign, paint the borders and then gloss the entire image. I also that the finished digital image of it and put it into etsy, facebook, my website and lastly pinterest. I then go ahead and get the canvas ready for hanging. Long process but I'd rather do it right! plus this keeps me very organized which is soooo important! =]

5. What is your most favorite item in your Etsy shop?
My most favorite item is "In Her Shoes" it is a simple piece yet it conveys and tells such a story yet its such a simple ideal. That you cant truly understand someone without first walking in their shoes, well in this painting these are my shoes.

 6. Do you have any social media links?
I have quite a few social media links. First my Etsy shop-
Facebook page-!/SnoozyArtPaintings
7. Anything else that you want to share?
Just that I'm a new to the motherhood, I have a now 8 month old boy. Still going to college at the Illinois Institute of Art Chicago, and working a job at a Library. So I have alot on my plate but I still somehow find the time to do what I'm passionate about- Creating Art.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I just thought this shop was so clever. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

 Welcome to GoHeyJudy, which is a small line of handmade rag dolls and cloth doll. 
Handmade Rag Doll In Shabby Chic Fabrics "Not Too Shabby, Judy" Handmade by GoHeyJudy
Handmade Rag Doll
What do you sell and how did you get started?
First of all, thanks for the opportunity to answer your questions! I had a lot of fun answering them. The seeds for my shop, GoHeyJudy, were planted back around 2003 or so just off the top of my head when my eldest daughter came home from preschool with this little drawing she made in class that day. It was in pink marker on this crumpled sheet of paper. It was a large head sans a body with these crazy finger dotted in pink polka dots. I thought the face was the most endearing. It was like nothing I'd quite ever seen. I couldn't, at that time, figure out what it meant other than a little drawing, but felt drawn to it for some reason. I stored it away in a dresser drawer and came back to it on occasion saying, "This is something, but what?"

To backtrack, when I was a child, my father would orate to me at bedtime "The Judy Stories" which were about a girl and of his own creation. I begged for them nightly as they were completely ad-lib and hilarious causing me to visit "the potty" if I may say so on numerous occasions in order to keep my pajamas dry. She was so adventurous and smart and, above all, different. I loved that part. Much to my mother's chagrin, I was kept up way past my bedtime, but I'm so glad she relented as my father passed suddenly when I was the tender age of ten. I only wish he'd written those stories down.

One day I pulled out the little drawing my daughter did, and it hit me. This is JUDY! It was at that point I decided to turn that little drawing - somehow - into a rag doll. This is where the problems began. I started off securing trademarks and copyrights as I had the idea of where I wanted to take the project, but no ideas to get it off the ground other than contacting manufacturers and seamstresses in order to help me conjure up a prototype, but alas these efforts were not at all to my liking. I realized at that point I would have to re-learn how to sew again and create said prototype myself if this project was to go in the direction I wanted it.

It took three years and a lot of trial and error, but one day I came up with at least something I was relatively comfortable with and began taking her to local brick and mortars which, at the height of the financial disaster, were beginning to close up. One local and lovely lady suggested I try Etsy which I'd never heard of. I went home and jumped right in. Hey, Judy has evolved, of course, but that's the beauty of a handmade item I think.

Who or what is your inspiration?

Without a doubt, my children. They are SO full of energy and creativity. It's an absolute blast listening to them and getting their ideas. They keep me centered and on track. They're the first to say they don't like something. Usually I listen to them, but there are occasions I don't. I pay the price for that. I've learned my lesson.

My blog readers are another source of daily inspiration. They are my motivation to rise each morning at the crack of dawn and get to it. I may not blog about the rag doll trade - quite the opposite - but it does serve a purpose related to Judy which is another avenue I'm about to embark on which is very exciting. The first official Judy story has been written, and I probably would have never had the confidence to embark on that had it not been for the blog. I appreciate my readers like you can't imagine. They're an amazing group of people. I'm so lucky to have them.
Floppy Doll In Bright Green "Batiking Beauty" Little Charmer Handmade Cloth Doll by GoHeyJudy
What is your favorite part of your creating process?

Well, my LEAST favorite part is having an idea and the lack of knowledge to see it through immediately to fruition. I am not always the most patient person in those regards, but I've also learned that it really is important to wait and get it right the first time in that sense. My favorite part is probably seeing a Hey, Judy doll nearing completion when I stop what I'm doing and hold her up for a preview. It is then I beam and think, "Oh. My. Gosh. That is SO cute." At that point I have a tendency to slow down a bit whilst tweaking each doll realizing that she's                 never going to be a mass produced item and more of an heirloom.                         Floppy Doll

Do you have any special routines?
Oh, plenty. I run on the Naval Clock. One has to with children, a business to attend to. There are only so many work hours in the day so I have to be aggressively organized. It has come to the point now when I don't answer the phone or the doorbell but absolutely must focus on work. I wake at 5:30 AM and the first thing I do is comb the papers and international news feeds in order to get the blog written and posted by 9 AM. I then set to work on listing hopefully one small doll per day. My goal is to have a good 100 items in the shop by May. My day ends at 2:30 PM when time is then dedicated to my children with breaks later and planning the next days addition to the shop and getting that prepped and ready while the children focus in on their homework.

What is your most favorite item in your Etsy shop?
Well, I'm biased because they're originally my daughters creation so that's what I see. But I would have to say the original "Little Charmers" so far. The wilder the colors the better as far as I'm concerned. I'm particularly fond of my "Back In Seattle Again" one. I just love the juxtaposition of the flannels and the yarns.
Little Charmers

Do you have any social media links?
Of course! I'm so glad you asked! My main website is, of course,
where there are links to everything including my blog and Etsy shop. We're working on an interactive game for children there, but that takes time and money. I'm hoping to get it launched by September. Fingers crossed.

The link to my Etsy shop is
I currently only run one online shop. I'm far more focussed that way and can dedicate myself to quality and customer service.

The link to my blog - where we're all referred to as FellowCampers - is
Subscribers get a 10% off code. I'm working on even more ideas to expand it. Subscribers get a special coupon code to use in the shop.

I do have a Facebook page which I don't even remember the link to as I never go there, but you can definitely "like" me via the Etsy shop. Facebook seems to give me issues (technologically speaking) so I keep focused on other things.

My main social site is, of course, Twitter. @GoHeyJudy I have fun in there when time allows. I'm also on Google+ at GoHeyJudy and Pinterest of the same name. I adore meeting mew people so hopefully I will see some new peeps in the stream!

Anything else that you want to share?

I think the most important thing I've learned through all of this is to take constructive criticism and learn from it applying it where necessary, but to never listen to the naysayers. Especially those that say something can't - or shouldn't - be done. To that I say pffft. Politely of course!