Thursday, February 7, 2013

DIY Weekly Clothing Organization Kit

Have you ever had the battle with your kid about what clothes they can or can't wear?  I know I have. I have a very independent 5 year old that insists on wearing dresses and skirts 7 days a week.
The battles had to stop!

As I was thumbing through a parenting magazine of sorts I saw a weekly clothing organization system. Trust me it was a lifesaver. It has so many positives that I knew I had to try it.

-Sheet protectors
-Command damage free hooks (I got the ones that hold up to 3 pounds)

1. Designate days to particular articles of clothing. Sunday-pants, Monday-dress, Tuesday-skirt, and so on. (I allowed my daughter to help with what day she wanted to wear pants, a dress, or a skirt; it exercised that independence thing as well)
2. Find clip art to coordinate with those days and articles of clothing.
3. Create and print a document with the day of the week, clip art, and article of clothing on it (I chose to print it on cardstock to make it more durable.)
4. Put each one in a sheet protector. (to make it last)
5. Tape each sign to the wall
6. Underneath sign put command hook (leave room for clothes to hang)

 One day a week I allow her to have a free day where she can wear WHATEVER she wants!

Once a week you and your child can go through their closet and pick out clothes that he/she would like to wear according to whichever picture is shown for that day. This not only allows them to be an active part in what they want to wear, but also eliminates the daily stress of picking out clothes for the parent.  It also allows your child to learn and recognize the days of the week.

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